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Manukau Institute of Technology Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I applied to a program called Tuputoa which offers Māori and Pacific Island students internships in the summer which landed me an interview with Deloitte. Since then, I received an offer as a graduate and have now been at Deloitte for 6 months and am loving every second of it.

Daniel Masipa’u

  • Graduate stories
Jamuna Sharma Dhakal studied Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering at the Auckland University of Technology and is now a Graduate Engineer at Powerco.

Jamuna Sharma Dhakal

  • Graduate stories
One of the things that I believed helped shape my pathway was my journey with sports. Having grown up fully immersed in sports, particularly rugby, I was able to translate a lot of the lessons learnt from the field to the classroom and eventually the workplace.

Noah Matai’a

  • Day in the life

Vatsal Gajjar

I like to get to work early as it means I can leave early and have more time to do the things I love after work! I generally get in the office around this time and go through my emails while I eat my breakfast- which is my overnight oats.